Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I have more reputation in my pinky finger than...

Robin: She looks at her love with eyes purposely big and green and
all-too-innocently asks, "My nose isn't worth your reputation?"

Friday, May 26, 2006


Postcards from home

Brennan, an imagined trump conversation in the OOC list:

"*Yes*, Grandmother. Yes, I'll tell Bleys, too. Yes, and Fiona.Yes, their hearts will overflow. Love. Overflow with love."

Thursday, May 25, 2006


For instance, there's that whole hot pokers to the eyes thing...
Vere: "Please make it clear to the Lady Priestess that Corwin rules Paris in his own right, he can be an arrogant man if he thinks he is not being treated with proper respect."

Cover up, dear...
"That could be very helpful, Brita," [Meg] replies. "Morris can take you, and introduce you. And..." Meg rests her fingers on her chin. "perhaps we could lend you a headscarf?"


  “I would not want you to accidentally come between Prince Jerod and his sense of duty." - Vere "(I) Kidnapped two nuns and one h...